Reedworth Street, London, SE11 4PH


Archbishop Sumner

Church Of England Primary School


The Governing Body


The School Governing Body is responsible for ensuring children receive a good education which prepares them for the next stage of their learning journey. 

Together with the Headteacher who is responsible for day-to-day management and organisation of the school, the Governing Board determines the school's aims, policies, and future direction.


Who are the Governors?

School governors are volunteers, drawn from different parts of the community, such as parents, school staff, the local authority, the community and other groups.

The governing body of Archbishop Sumner School is made up of people nominated by North Lambeth Parish (PCC governors), the Diocese of Southwark, parents of children in the school, the Local Authority (Lambeth Council) and school staff.

This helps to ensure that the governing body has a range of diversity of views and experience. However, this does not mean that governors “represent” any particular group on the governing body. For example, parent governors do not act as a representative of the parents at the school and do not report back to them.

Individual governors have no power or right to act on behalf of the governing body except when the whole governing body has delegated responsibility to that individual.


What does the Governing Body do?

The Governing Body has overall responsibility for the strategic direction, vision, and ethos of the school. It acts as a critical friend and is accountable for its decisions. The Governors review, agree and monitor policies, targets and priorities, and hold the school to account for the educational standards achieved and the quality of education provided. 

It monitors the progress of children and policies covering all aspects of their welfare. It approves an annual School Development Plan aimed at raising achievement and standards.




All Governors are required to declare any pecuniary or business interests on their appointment, and are also reminded to update this information at every meeting of the full Governing Body and its Committees.

This published *Register of Interests will be updated annually after the first meeting of the school year.  However, any changes made during the year will be recorded in the Minutes of the meeting at which they are declared.

Governor Vacancies:1 x Co-opt, 1 x Staff Governor 

If you are interested in one of the governor vacancies, or if would like to know how to become a governor and what it entails or have any other questions or queries please contact The Chair of Governors. Written requests may be handed in to the school main reception. Please ensure your letter is in a sealed envelope and addressed clearly. The office staff will ensure your letter reaches the chair of governors. Alternatively, please email the chair of governors.


All Correspondence for the Governors is to be addressed to:

Freya Thomas Monk, The Chair of Governors

Archbishop Sumner

Reedworth Street

London SE11 4PH


Our Governors

The Chair of Governors - Freya Thomas Monk

Vice Chair of Governors – Naomi Law, Frank Roberts


Chairs of the sub committees

Admissions: Amandine Marechal

Resources:  Georgina De Costa

Pupils, Parents & Community: Naomi Law

Achievement & Curriculum: Sarah Mulley

Faith: Frank Roberts  

Members of the *Governing Body of Archbishop Sumner 2023/24 serve in a voluntary capacity for a minimum period of 4 years.

The governing body and individual committees regularly meet throughout the academic year.

*Governors Attendance Summary 2020/21 , *Governors Attendance Summary 2021/22  or * Governors Attendance Summery 2022/2023


The total membership of 18 people consists of:

10 Foundation (1 Ex Officio appointed by church, 2 appointed by Southwark Diocesan Board of Education (SDBE), 7 PCC appointed by the Parochial Church Council

1 representative appointed by the Lambeth Education Authority and confirmed by the Governing Body

1 Headteacher

1 Member of school staff

2 Co-opted

3 Parents

Members also join committee/s which reports back to the Governing Body.

  • Resources Committee monitors all aspects of budgets, expenditure, audits, premises, oversight of staffing policies and health & safety.
  • Pupils, Parents & Community Committee (PPC) reviews all aspects of pupil safeguarding, equality, welfare, attendance and the extended school offer. The PPC liaises with the School Council as well as with parents/carers and reviews the school profile, brochure and website.
  • Achievement & Curriculum Committee (A&C) monitors the educational performance through individual visits to school, verbal and written reports from staff. It reviews statistics and data prepared by the school and Lambeth Education to monitor the progress being made by pupils. The A&C committee also evaluates the use and impact of the pupil premium and monitors EAL and SEND provision.
  • Faith Committee monitors and evaluates the impact of the RE curriculum on the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all students. It will foster and develop links between church and school, monitor and maintain the Gold Standard REQM and to monitor the impact of provision under the 7 key questions of the SIAMS toolkit.
  • Admissions Committee monitors all aspects of the admission and appeal process. It will determine applications for admission and will carry out its duties in accordance with the school Admissions policy, DFE Codes on Admission and Admission Appeals and with regard to the guidance of the Southwark Board of Education.

Individual governors may be linked with certain aspects of the school ie HR, SEND, Equalities & Inclusion etc. Please see the link above for the Governing Body of Archbishop Sumner. There are also sub committees to: - conduct the Headteacher’s annual performance management and deal with pupil exclusions or parental complaints. These committees are convened on an ad-hoc basis.

In all these responsibilities, the Governing Body works closely with the Headteacher, the school’s Business Manager, other senior staff with specific roles, and when necessary with the Local Authority and the SDBE.


Governor Membership & Attendance


 ABS committee membership 2024.25 updated 19.9.24.docxDownload
 ABS GB memb 2024.25 v 1.9.24.docxDownload
 ABS GB memb 2024.25 v 25.9.24.docxDownload
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