Reedworth Street, London, SE11 4PH


Archbishop Sumner

Church Of England Primary School


 Our curriculum at Archbishop Sumner CofE Primary School (ABS) equips our pupils with skills and knowledge to enable them to thrive today and in the future. We have crafted a creative, broad and inspiring curriculum which is aspirational, inclusive and supportive yet challenging for our diverse pupil community.

Through our tailored and unique curriculum, we seek to 

·         Understand and care for each child and their needs

·         Encourage each other to become the best we can possibly be

·         Inspire each child with a joy of learning and discovery

·         Equip each child with the skills, knowledge and confidence they need for the future

Our curriculum is inclusive and supportive. Pupils are supported to be the best they can be within a society that is ever changing, diverse and eclectic. We are committed to providing the necessary scaffolding and adaptations to ensure that every child can access the curriculum and reach their full potential. Our well-sequenced curriculum builds upon prior learning, enabling pupils to acquire new knowledge and skills. 

Our curriculum is aspirational and challenging. We foster curiosity, encouraging pupils to push the boundaries of their learning. They develop a deep understanding of the world around them. We have high expectations for all of our pupils.

Our curriculum reaches beyond the academic to develop the whole child.We believe that children thrive when they feel understood and encouraged. We take time to build relationships, ensuring that children’s interests and diverse backgrounds are respected and reflected within school. We nurture moral, spiritual, social and cultural understanding. 

Our curriculum is enriching and exciting. Opportunities are made for our pupils to develop their cultural capital. Through a range of activities, including the arts, sports, trips and outdoor learning, we offer our pupils opportunities that inspire and engage them. At ABS, pupils grow in resilience, appreciate beauty in the world and learn to be guided by their beliefs and values.

Who and what do our children learn about? 

Please download our full curriculum grid below.

 Curriculum Grid 2024-25