Reedworth Street, London, SE11 4PH


Archbishop Sumner

Church Of England Primary School







As a Church of England school our aim is to build our school and our curriculum on Christian principles and practices; promoting, moral and social responsibility, a concern for the environment and a respect for other faiths and cultures.  A fundamental part of that is delivery of high quality, explicit RE teaching.

At ABS the RE curriculum is balanced between content, concepts and skills with a clear progression in learning from nursery to Year 6. Learning across the year groups includes different aspects of the Christian faith, including prayer, worship, symbolism and celebration, and some exploration of other religions and faiths such as Judaism and Islam. We encourage a familiarity with and understanding of the bible with a particular emphasis on the life and the teachings of Jesus. Topics include Noah, Joseph, Jesus the Teacher, The local Church, Saints, Victorian Religion and Peace.

Teaching and learning in RE is creative and engaging and features drama and role play, art, visits, discussion and circle time, prayer, maths, music, reflection, investigations and interpreting and much more. Each class maintains a corner for spiritual reflection and prayer comprising a prayer book, bible and cross as well as other objects which may reflect current learning or the Christian calendar.

Through RE we encourage in the children spiritual and moral values such as respect, tolerance and forgiveness and aim to stimulate the children and foster in them a sense of awe and wonder, utilising resources such as the peace garden and eco garden. Links are made, when appropriate, with assemblies, local and national events anniversaries and celebrations. Whole School projects promote and celebrate aspects of our faith, such as our values, and encourage collaboration and sharing across the school. 

RE Overviews

 RE Overview.pdfDownload
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RE Progression Maps 

 RE Skills progression.pdfDownload
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